Monday, August 31, 2009

Review - Cushi Tush

Review - Cushi Tush

Cushi Tush is a baby seat with a difference, its made from ARPRO® which is Expanded Polypropylene, its an environmentally friendly, green material. In manufacturing No VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), hydrocarbons or other recognised environmentally damaging compounds are used. ARPRO® is 100% recyclable
OK that's the science bit over! You can more information on the technical specifications here

This seat is incredibly lightweight, so light that when it was delivered I didn't even know there was a seat inside the box (perfect for my bad back)

Now BG does have a Bumbo seat but unfortunately due to the fact she was such a sickly whenever we out her in because of the way it lifted her legs up, she would just be sick once she was sat in it!! With this seat it doesn't happen the leg holes slop down so there is no pressure on her stomach.

It comes with a tray which is held into place in three positions and is great for playing and eating.

the Cushi Tush has been a bit of a god send in the last week as with my bad back its been difficult to get the high chair out and put it away again, so I use it for snack time.

When the chair arrived it was snacktime so that's was the first time we used it (plus I couldn't wait to get it out of the box!)

Its also good for when I want BG to calm down before naps and bedtime, we put her in it and sit and play quietly or read.

BG also likes to play with it!! As its so lightweight she throws it around!

Now I'm sure with younger children (this chair is suitable from 3 -18 months or 30lbs) that they can't get out of the chair so you could turn you back for 30 seconds, well not with BG she has learnt to get out of the Cushi Tush already as these pictures show!

So just a warning this is meant as play or snacking chair, its has no straps and children can easily get free so please don't leave them unattended!

This is one of those products that I wish I had found a few months ago, it would have been perfect for when I started weaning, it has a high back which helps supports her. We bought a highchair far too soon, it wasn't suitable for her as it wasn't supportive enough.

The Cushi Tush comes in a variety of colours, I got to choose mine and I opted for the mixed look and I really like it!

Now they also make a Cushi Therm which is a bottle insulator and I actually have one of those that I bought my self and its really good, keeps the bottles really hot.

My favourite item they make is the Lil Cushi Tush, so your child can put their doll or teddy in it!! Suitable from 3 yrs and is made from the same material, so so cute!

If you're looking for a play seat for your child or a first feeding chair then you can't go wrong with a Cushi Tush. Its lightweight, durable, non-toxic, Paediatrician approved and fully recyclable. It also looks good and takes up little space.

For more information on the Cushi Tush and to find a list of their retailers please see their website

The cheapest I've found the Cushi Tush is at the whole kaboodle for £27.95, if you find it cheaper any where else please let me know!

Posted via email from GuestBlog Me!

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